enI-ZWi :2t-enI ::J...,Cl«...JC3CCl-Qw...Jw4-1. TEST & SERVICEEQUIPMENTTo perform the electrical adjustment completely thefollowing equipments are required.1. VTVM (Vacuum Tube Volt Meter)Capacity : 0.001 to 50V2. DVM (Digital Volt Meter)Capacity : 0.001 to 50V3. Dual-Trace Oscilloscope (with probes)Capacity : 0.005 to 50V/div, DC to 30MHz4. Frequency CounterCapacity : 0 to 10MHz5. Sine Wave Signal Generator (RC Oscilfator)Capacity : 0 to 10MHz6. Video Signal Generator (Composite)7. Spectrum analyzer8. Color Monitor TV9. Waveform Monitor10. Alignment Tape (VFM8080HQFP)4-2. HOW TO READ THEADJUSTMENT PROCEDURETABLEBOARDTPADJTAPEINPUTMODEM.EQSPECBOARD:TP:ADJ.:TAPE:INPUT:MODE:M.EQ:SPEC:MAIN C.B.A.TP3502 [F-2]VR2002 rA-3]ALIGNMENT TAPECOLOUR BARPLAYOSCILLOSCOPET = 8.5 ± O.5HAdjustment position of Print Circuit Board.Connection point (Test Point) ofmeasuring eqUipment* ( ) shown TP location on the board.Adjustment component* ( ) shown VR location on the board.Tape for adjustment.Supply a signal for adjustment.Mode of VTR.Example: REC -> PLAY is recordingsignal and playback theportion just recorded.Measuring equipment.Specification for adjustment.4-3. ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENTPROCEDURES4-3-1. PG SHIFTER ADJ.BOARD SERVO & SYSTEM CONTROL C.B.A.TP TP8002LHEAD SW)(A-1), VIDEO OUTADJ VR2002(A-4)TAPE VFM8180HADH PORTION: 2INPUTMODE PLAYM.EQ OSCILLOSCOPESPEC T = 8.5 ± O.5HNote: This adjustment should be performed onlyafter completion of the Tape Interchangeabilityadjustment.1. Playback the alignment tape at the portion 2.2. Connect the oscilloscope to TP8002 for CH1 andVideo Out for CH2.3. Adjust VR2002 so that the falling edge ofswitching pulse becomes 8.5 ± O.5H before the V-sync portion as shown in Figure E1.l HEAD SWTP8002hurvmnrnnmkO OUTFigure E14-3-2. SLOW FREE RUN ADJ.BOARD SERVO & SYSTEM CONTROL C.B.A.TP TP8009(A-1 )ADJ VR2001 (A-4)TAPE VFM8180HADH, PORTION: 2INPUTMODE PLAY PAUSEM.EQ FREQUENCY COUNTERSPEC 455Hz ± 5Hz1. Playback the alignment tape at the portion 2.2. Connect a jumper wire between TP8006 and GNDon the Video.3 C.BA3. Connect the frequency counter to TP8009 on theVideo 3 C.B.A.4. Adjust VR2001 so that the reading of frequencycounter is f = 455Hz ± 5Hz.5. After this adjustment remove the jumper wire fromTP8006 and GND.4-2