:EenZ«J:uw:E3-6-6. COARSE ADJUSTMENT OF THEAIC HEAD HORIZONTAL POSITION(X-VALUE)Note: This procedure should be performed onlywhen the A/C head is replaced, and afterperforming the tape interchangeabilityadjustment.«TOOL»H-Position Adjustment Screwdriver; VFK0328Alignment Tape ; VFM8180HADH1. Connect a scope CH1 to Video RF Test Terminal(TP6 of the Video 1 C.B.A.) and a scope CH2 toNormal Audio CH2 output on the Rear Jack.2. Playback the 1 position (Monoscope 1 andAudiolEvery 10-the field is skipped) of theAlignment tape VFM8180HADH.3. Adjust the A/C head horizontal position screw sothat the phase of audio drop out and video RFenvelope drop-out becomes the same as shown inFigure M29VIDEO RFAUDIO IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIDROP OUT PHASEFigure M29Note: After completion the fine adjustment of theA/C head horizontal position, the phase ofAudio drop-out and Video RF envelope drop-out may be changed slightly.3-6-7. FINE ADJUSTMENT OF THE AICHEAD HORIZONTAL POSITION(X-VALUE)Note: This procedure should be performed onlywhen the A/C head is replaced, and afterperforming the tape interchangeabilityadjustment.«TOOL»H-Position Adjustment Screwdriver ; VFK0328Alignment Tape ; VFM8180HADH1. Press the tracking control button "+" and "-" atsame time to the center position.2. Connect a oscilloscope to Video RF test Terminal.3. Play back the 2-nd portion (Monoscope 2) of thealignment tape (VFM8180HADH).4. Adjust the Horizontal Position Screw (Figure M29)of NC head so that the RF signal becomesmaximum level as shown in Figure M30.HEAD AMP OUTPUT (RF SIGNAL).., v--- IMAXIMUMn ~Fiugre M303-6-8. ADJUSTMENT OF INCLINEDBASE(T)«TOOL»Check Light VFM0948Screwdriver (+) PurchaseVHS Video Tape1. Play back the beginning portion of 180 minutenormal cassette tape and confirm that waving orfilling of P3 post is as shown in Figure M31-A0 0 0n nNO GOOD GOOD. Figure M31-A2. If there are waving at the lower and upper edge ofthe P3 post, Adjustment the inclined base of P3post as shown in Figure M31-B.3-22