4-3-14. VHS Y PLAYBACK LEVELADJ.BOARD VIDEO 3 C.B.A.TP VIDEO OUTADJ VRB002(D-1 )TAPE VHS SELF RECORDED TAPEINPUT COLOUR BARMODE PLAYM.EQ WAVEFORM MONITORSPEC 1.0Vp-p ± O.02Vp-pNote: This adjustment should be always completedafter completion of all adjustments on therecording loop.[SET UP]S-VHS SW OFFINPUT SW LINEEDIT SW OFF1. Supply the colour bar signal to video input andrecording it for a few minute.2. Connect the waveform monitor to the video outwith a 750 termination.3. Playback the just recorded portion.4. Adjust VR8002 for 1.0Vp-p ± O.02Vp-pluminance level as shown in Figure E11.VIDEO OUT(75Q) -------ras a1.0Vp-p ± O.02Vp-p__ JFigure E114-3-15. S-VHS SUB EMPHASIS LEVELADJ.BOARD VIDEO 1 C.B.A.TP TP3002(D-1)ADJ VR3004(C-1 )TAPE S-VHS SELF RECORDED TAPEINPUT COLOUR BARMODE PLAYM.EQ OSCILLOSCOPESPEC 4OOmVp-p ± 10mVp-pNote: This adjustment should be always completedafter completion of all adjustments on therecording loop.[SET UP]S-VHS SW : ONEDIT SW : OFF1. Supply the colour bar signal to video input andrecord it for a few minute.2. Playback the just recorded portion.3. Connect the oscilloscope to TP3002.4. Adjust VR3004 for 400mVp-p ± 10mVp-p asshown in Figure E12.TP3002(H. RATE) -------r400mVp-p± 10mVp-p__ JFigure E124-3-16. S-VHS PLAYBACK Y LEVELADJ.BOARD VIDEO 1TP VIDEO OUTADJ VR3002(D-1 )TAPE S-VHS SELF RECORDED TAPEINPUT COLOUR BAR SIGNALMODE PLAYM.EQ OSCILLOSCOPESPEC 1.0Vp-p ± O.02Vp~Note: This adjustment should be always completedafter completion of all adjustments on therecording loop and VHS playback adjustment.[SET UP]S-VHS SWINPUT SWEDIT SWONLINEOFF1. Supply the colour bar signal to video input andrecording it for a few minutes.2. Connect the oscilloscope to the video out with a750 termination.3. Playback the just recorded portion.4. Adjust VR3002 for 1.0Vp-p ± O.02Vp-p as shownin Figure E13.VIDEO OUT (75Q)(H. RATE) ~--,-- - - - - - --r~ :V~T'02V~PFigure E134-7enI-Zw~I-en::J-,o«..J«oex:I-uw..Jw