P1 P2 P3 P4NO GOOD ~NO GOOD ~GOOD~ Figure M25-E9. And confirm that the tape runs along the CylinderLead Correctly.3-6-3. FINE ADJUSTMENT OF THE TAPEGUIDE POST HEIGHT(P2 and P3)(UNEARITY)«TOOL»Alignment TapePost Adjustment Screwdriver ;VFM8180HADHVFK0329Note: Before playing back the alignment tapeplayback a normal cassette tape and confirmcorrect transport.1. Connect the oscilloscope to the TP6 of the Video1 C.B.A. (Video RF Envelope and the headswitching pulse as a triggering signal.2. Play back the 2-nd portion (Monoscope 2) of thealignment tape (VFM8180HADH).Figure M26-A3. Press the tracking control button on the front panel andadjust for maximum.4. If the RF envelope appears like example A or B in RgureM26B then adjustment of the tape guide post(P2:Entrance) is necessary.5. Adjust the tape guide post (P2) with the post adjustmentscrewdriver so that the RF envelope wavefrom at the entrance portion becomes flat as shown in Figure M26B.r - - -, Entrance PortionI II II IL ___ .JFigure M26-B6. If the RF envelope appears like example D or E in FigureM26-C , then adjustment of the tape guide post (P3:Exit)is necessary.7. Adjust the tape guide post (P3) in the same manner as theP2 post so that the exit portion becomes flat as shown inFigure M26-C.r - - - -1 Exit Portiono 1111111'IIMffil r-1\ IJlIFE"~I IL ____ .JFigure M26-C8. The output envelope should vary nearly parallelwith other condition as shown in Figure M26-D.HEAD AMP OUTPUT (RF SIGNAL).. ...-- IMAXIMUM~__~n ~Figure M26-D9. If the RF envelope does not meet thesespecification "V1/V0 ~ 0.7V2/V0 ~ 0.8V3/V0 ~ 0.7then repeat steps 4-9 again.3-18