3-5-5. REPLACEMENT OF THECAPSTAN ROTOR ANDCAPSTAN STATORWhen replacing the Capstan stator unit the centreFixing Tool must be used to fix the centre of CapstanStator Unit.1. Remove the loading belt.2. Unscrew the 4 (F) screws and remove the Gearbase Unit.3. Carefully lift up the capstan rotor from the capstanhousing, taking care so as not loose the 2 oil sealsas shown in Figure M14-A.SCREWS (F) GEAR BASE UNITFigure M14-A4. Remove the 2 oil seals.5. Unscrew the 3 (G) screws and remove theCapstan Stator.6. Place the capstan stator unit into position.7. Loosely tighten the 3 (G) screws.8. Insert the Centre Fixing Tool as shown in FigureM14-B.CENTER FOXOMG TOOL (VFK0951)lLOWER METALUPPER METALFigure M14-B3 -11STATOR UNITFigure M14-C9. Tighten the 3 (G) screws.10. Remove the centre fixing tool.11. The new capstan rotor unit can be reinstalled byreversing the removal procedure.3-5-6. REPLACEMENT OF THECAPSTAN HOUSING UNIT1. Remove the pressure Roller Unit.2. Remove the Sub post spring from hook of CapstanHousing.3. Unscrew the 3 screws (H) and remove theCapstan Housing.4. Remove the 2 oil seals and thrust screw.SCREWS(H) ~THRUST SCREWye aOIL SEALS f--SUB POST SPRINGFigure M155. Replace the new Capstan Housing, 2 oil seals andthrust screw at same time.6. Re-install the Capstan Housing Unit by reversingthe remove procedure.Note: After re-installing the thrust screw adjustmentof the thrust screw are required.Replace the new Capstan Rotor, 2 oil sealsand thrust screw at same time.After re-installing the capstan rotor or capstanstator confirmation of FG out put level andadjustment of FG head gap are required.~Cl)zJ:Uw~