![Panasonic AG-MD830E Service Manual Manual pdf 44 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/5448316/1ef88fc3925ed98b939f8ea40495ac2044f.jpg)
V1IVO~O.7V2IVO~O.8V3IVO~O.7V1 V2 V3 VOFigure M26-E3-6-4. ADJUSTMENT OF THE PULL-OUTPOST (PS) HEIGHT«TOOL»Post AdjustmentReel Table Height GaugeNut Driver«SPEC»0.03mm ± 0.01 mmVFK0191VFK0190Purchase locallyNote: Unless the replacement or adjustment thispost is required, the adjustment nut shouldnot be turned.1. Remove the cassette compartment (Refer toDisassembly procedures).2. Place the Post Adjustment Plate over the reeltables.3. Turn the Worm Shaft counterclockwise (loadingdirection) until the mechanical condition becomesas shown in Figure M27-A.Figure M27-A4. Place the Reel Table Height Gauge on the PostAdjustment Plate and set the gauge to zero 0 asshown in Figure M27-B.HEIGHT GAUGE SET HEIGHTGAUGE TO ·0·VFK0191 ( ot" lFigure M27-B5. P!ace the Reel Table Height Gauge as shown inFigure M27-C and turn the nut slowly until thegauge reads.HEIGHT GAUGEP LL OUT POSTFigure M27-C6. After the adjustment, install the cassettecompartment (Refer to reinstallation of CassetteCompartment) .7. Play back a normal cassette tape on Reviewsearch mode, and make sure that the edges of thetape are not curling or waving at the bottom end ofthe P4 post by using the Check Light as shown inFigure M27-D.P4 POSTNO WAVING OR FRILLlNGFigure M27-DNote: There is easy method to check Waving ofFilling. If there is Waving or Filling in thelower edge, the white black pattern which isreflected on the tape will curve or not linearas shown in Figure M27-E.3-19:2enz«::z::()w:2