:2enZ«:::c()w::?!3-6-11. MEASUREMENT ANDADJUSTMENT OF BACK TENSION«TOOL»Back Tension Meter; VFK0132VHS Cassette Tape(120min. tape except S-VHS tape)A. FWD TENSION ADJUSTMENT«SPEC»23g - 27g1. Play back the cassette tape from the beginningand wait until the tape movement get thestabilization (for approx. 10 to 20 seconds).2. Pull the Impedance Roller in the direction indicatedthe arrow in Figure M34-A secure it with a piece ofadhesive tape.3. Insert the Back Tension Meter into the path of atape, and measure the back tension.P2PROBES OF GAUGEFigure M34-A Measurement of Back Tension4. If it is out of specification, replace the Tensionspring.B. REV TENSION ADJUSTMENT«SPEC»30g - 60g1. Play back the cassette tape on SP Reverse Playmode from the beginning and wait until the tapemovement get the stabilization (for approx. 10 to20 seconds).2. Pull the Impedance Roller in the direction indicatedby the arrow in Figure M34-B secure it with apiece of adhesive tape.3. Insert the Back Tension Meter into the path of atape, and measure the back tension.4. If it is out of specification, replace the Tensionspring.Note: While measuring, make sure that the threeprobes of the meter are all in good contactwith the tape.As the tension meter is very sensitive, werecommend taking 3 separate readings.Figure M34-B3-24