:?!(J)z«:J:ow:?!=-+~.., SCREWS (D)Figure M50-H6. Manually move the loading mechanism towardthe EJECT position.7. Stop the manual eject procedure just beforecompletion, so that the Sub Wiper Armsstraight up. This position is also characterizedby the channel guides (in the Wiper Arms) beingdirectly under the cut outs on the top of theCassette Compartment base (Figure M50-1).8. Install the Cassette Holder Unit in the CassetteCompartment Base. The Cassette holder shoulddrop into place if the Sub Wiper Arms areportioned as called for in step 7.(TOP VIEW OF CASSETTE COMPARTMENT BASE)WIPER ARM GUIDE CHANNELS ALIGNDIRECTLY UNDER CUT OUTS THIS ALLOWSTHE CASSETTE HOLDER TO FULL RIGHT INPLACE WHEN ASSEMBLING*PLEASE NOTE THIS IS NOT FINAL EJECT POSITIONFigure M50-1Note: For proper front loading, the guide pin onthe opener lever should follow the uppertrack of the right side panel as shown inFigure M50-J.,-----/''n====:::::!:==~;';- "./',-----/1: fi1 LJUI SAFETY TRAPS•.... -----PATH (OPENER LEVER) GUIDE PIN SHOULD TAXEPUSH DOWN HEREtPUSH UP HERETOP VIEWTHE OPENER LEVER ISATTACHED TO THE CASSETTE HOLDERFigure M50-J Right Side Plate9. Install the top plate on the CassetteCompartment Base and tighten the 3 screws (A)as shown in Figure M50-B.10. Manually confirm that front loading and mainloading run smoothly. Also confirm EJ ECTbefore power is applied.3-34