3-7-2. ASSEMBLY PROCEDURES OF SUBCAM GEAR RING GEAR ANDDETENT ARM1. I nstall the Ring Gear so that the two holes onthe Ring Gear align with the two holes on thechassis as shown in Figure M40.2. I nstall the Sub Cam Gear so that the large holeon Sub Cam Gear aligns with the hole onchassis.Also the small hole (located just outside of largehole) on Sub Cam Gear should align with thehole on Ring Gear as shown in Figure M40.3. Confirm that the small hole on Sub Cam Gear isaligned with the small hole on Connection Gearas shown in Figure M39-B (I n case of theConnection Gear is already installed).4. Install the Detent Arm and make sure DetentArm seats perfectly in detent of Sub Cam Gearas shown in Figure M40.CAPSTAN\ MOTOR /THROUG~/ ~IHOLE(LATGE HOLE) SMALL HOLES(iJTHROYGH HOLEr RING GEAR~~7/1"''''''''';;:'''''''''''~i~2Zl;,CHASSISDETENT SUB CAMARM GEARFigure M403-7-3. ASSEMBLY PROCEDURES OFMAIN CAM GEAR AND PINCHSPEED DOWN GEAR1. Install the Main Cam Gear on to the Sub CamGear so that the small hole on the Main CamGear aligns with small hole on the Ring Gear asshown in Figure M41.2. I nsert a retaining ring.3. I nstall the Pinch Speed Down Gear from top sideof chassis so that the small hole on the MainCam Gear as shown in Figure M41.PINCH SPEED DOWN GEARMAIN CAMGEARRING GEARFigure M413-7-4. ASSEMBLY PROCEDURES OFLOADING CAM GEAR ANDRETAINER GEAR1. Install the Retainer Gear onto the Ring Gear sothat the two holes on the Retainer Gear alignwith the two holes on the Ring Gear, at thistime, small hole on the Main Cam Gear shouldaligns with small hole on the Retainer Gear asshown in Figure M42.2. I nstall the Loading Cam Gear so that the smallhole which is directly outside of the large hole onthe Loading Cam Gear is aligned with theoutside hole of the Retainer Gear as shown inFigure M42.CAPSTANMOTOR~~,)-""CENTER GEARTHROUGHT HOLE I CENTER GEAR~,~ RETAINER GEAR~~RING GEARCHASSISFigure M423-29~(/Jz«:t:(,)w~