i:l!!enz«:cuw:l!!3-5-7. REPLACEMENT OF THEINCLINED BASE (S),(T)Supply Side1. Unscrew a screw (I) and remove the headcleaning plate unit as shown in Figure M16-A.2. Unscrew the 2 screws (J) and remove the poststopper.CUT WASHERDD CYLINDERHEAD CLEANINGPLATE UNITFigure M16-A3. Remove the P2 post unit from loading arm (5) asshown in Figure M16-B.SECTOR GEAR P2 POST UNIToLOADING GEAR (T) LOADING GEAR (s)Figure M16-B4. Pull out the Inclined base (5) from loading base.5. The new inclined base unit can be reinstalled byreversing the removal procedure.Note: Install post stopper pusing the arrow direction(A),(B) as shown in Figure M16-A.After re-installing the inclined base (5)confirmation of tape interchangeability andP2, P3 posts adjustments are required.Take-up Side1. Unscrew a screw (K) and remove the inclinedbase (T) as show in Figure M14.Figure M16-C2. Install the inclined base (T) so that the tip ofinclined base is center on the Plate Hole and thentighten screw (K).Note: After re-installing the inclined base (T)confirmation of tape interchangeability andinclined base adjustment are required.3-5-8. REPLACEMENT OF THE P5POST1. Remove the top cover and cassette holder.2. Rotate the loading motor to clockwise, until thestop mode.3. Remove the pressure roller unit.4. Remove the pinch cam (Ref. to Replacement ofthe mode switch) and PS pull out sector gear asshown in Figure M17.PRESSURE ROLLERFigure M175. Unscrew a Nut (A) and Remove the PS Post.6. The new PS post can be reinstalled by reversingthe removal procedure.Note: After-reinstalling the PS post confirmation oftape waving and PS post height adjustmentare required.3-12