3-6-12. HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT OF THEREEL TABLES<Post Adjustment PlateReel Table Height GaugeVFK0191VFK0190«SPEC»O-O.15mm1 . Remove the cassette compartment.2. Place the post Adjustment Plate on the reel tables.3. Place the Reel Table Height Gauge on the plateso that the scraper of the gauge touches the cut-out portion of the plate, then set the gauge to zeroo as shown in Figure M35-A.Figure M35-A4. Measure the height of the top surface of eitherReel table and note the difference in height fromthe plate cut-out (Figure M35-A and M35-B).Repeat this procedures for the other Reel Table.Figure M35-B5. If the difference of Supply Reel table is more thanO.15mm higher or lower, replace the Supply Reeltable. When the difference of Take Up Reel tableis more than O.15mm higher or lower, adjust nut(A)(Figure M35-C) so that measurement becomesthe spec. If you can not adjust to the spec.,replace Take Up Reel table.NUT (A)r---L----~____, TAKE-UPREEL TABLEFigure M35-CNote: When replacing the tables, the DD Reel Unitneeds to be removed from the chassis.Remove 6 screws and carefully lift it out asshown in Figure M35-D.SCREWS (L)CONNECTORFigure M35-D Bottom View of DD Reel UnitNote: When assembling the DD Reel Unit, slide aMain Rod to far left side by rotating theCenter Gear, and then screw the 6 screws.MAIN ROD~ CUT WASHERSFigure M35-E3-25:2(/')z«J:()w:2