WHITE BLACKPATTERN ~GOOD~-----~~~NO GOOD -"::::::::::..-_-~)~~WAVING OR FRILLlNGFigure M27-E3-6-5. ADJUSTMENT OF Ale HEADA. COARSE ADJUSTMENT OF THE A/C HEADHEIGHTNote: This procedure should be performed onlywhen the A/C Head is replaced.«TOOL»Check Light ; VFK0948Nut Driver Purchase locallyVHS video Tape1. With the tape running, look at the lower edge ofthe control head by using the check light.2. Adjust the Nut (A) as shown in Figure M28-A byturning the Nut (A) clockwise to lower the head,and counterclockwise to raise it.CONTRIL HEADO.15mm7- -+LOWER EDGEOF TAPE LOWER EDGE OFCONTROL HEADFigure M28-AA/C HEADBASE UNITB. COARSE ADJUSTMENT OF THE A/C HEADTILTNote: This procedure should performed only whenthe A/C Head is replaced or posts heightsare readjusted.<Alignment TapeCheck LightScrewdriver (+)VHS Vide TapeVFM8180HADHVFK0948Purchase locally1. Play back a VHS video tape which the amount oftape winding of a Take up Reel, Turn a screw (B)to clockwise until waving or Filling appears in theLower edge of P4 post as Figure M28-B.Note: There is easy method to check waving orFilling if there is waving or Filling in the loweredge. ZEBRA pattern which is reflected onthe tape will curve or not linear (Figure M27-E).2. Turn the screw (B) to counter-clockwise untilwaving or filling do not appear in the in the loweredge of P4 post.LOCK SCREW (D)CREW (B)A/C HEAD BASE UNITFigure M28-BC. ADJUSTMENT OF A/C HEAD AZIMUTH1. Connect the scope CH1 to test point (NormalAudio out put CH1) and the scope CH2 to testpoint (Normal Audio output CH2) on the RearJack.2. Play back the 2-nd portion (NormaIAudio6KHz)of the alignment tape (VFM8180HADH).3. Adjust the screw (C) so that these phases of bothchannels match as shown in Figure M28-C.3-20