~en,Z«J:()w.;23-7. ASSEMBLY AND ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURES OF MECHANISMThe mechanism of this model is mostly engaged tothe System Control Circuit, through the modeselect switch. Therefore the relation between themode select switch and the cam gear decides allfurther mechanical movement of the mechanicalparts such as levers, gears, rollers and so on. Ifthese parts are not fixed properly, the unit will beunloaded or compulsorily stopped. And it willresult being damaged at any mechanical orelectrical parts. The overall mechanical condition(alignment) of bottom and top view are shown inFigure M39-A and Figure M39-B. This mechanicaladjustment is performed in the STOP mode.3-7-1. CONFIRMATION OF ALIGNMENTCONDITION1. Remove the Loading Belt.2. Unscrew 4 screws (F) and remove the Gear BaseUnit. (Figure M39-A)3. Turn the Center Gear to counter-clockwise until2 big holes of Center Gear align with 2 big holesof Retainer Gear and Ring Gear and Chassis asshown in Figure M39-C.SCREWS (F) GEAR BASE UNITFiugre M39-ACENT ER GEARPINCH SPEED ---I[h.,.,~""DOWN GEARDETENT ARM --~\4. Identification hole on the Mode Select Switch at6 oclock position and aligned with small hole onPinch Cam as shown in Figure M39-B.5. P5 Arm is completely loading position and theInclined Base (S) and (T) are completelyunloading position.6. Small hole on Sub Cam Gear should align withsmall hole on the Connection Gear andrectangular mark on the Connection Gearshould be at a 3 oclock position.7. Pressure Roller Unit is UP position.SUB CAM GEAR~---II\/I\\/" '" -- ..--PINCH CAMPINCH SPEEDDOWN GEARCONNECTIONGEARFigure M39-B Top View of Overall IQ-MechanicalConditionSECTOR GEAR LOADING GEAR (T)"'-LOADING CAM GEARLOADING GEAR (S)RETAINER GEAR~RING GEARSUB CAM GEAR THROUGH HOLESFigure M39-C Bottom View of Overall Mechanical Condition3-28