X ero x 4 5 95 Co pi e r/P ri n te r S y s t em Ad m i ni s t rat i on G ui d e 8-1738 . S e t upsshown as the item name. Input any information as an auxiliaryitem, but only with a maximum of sixty characters. This isappropriate for information represented by a longer characterstring, such as company division or address and so forth. Formore about attribute name, refer to Attribute Name of CustomItems 1 to 3 page 147.Transfer Protocol Set the forwarding destination protocol. Select either FTP orSMB.Server Name/IP address Enter the recipient server name or IP address for transmissiondestination.Shared Name (SMB Only) Enter the shared name set for the SMB folder. Enter with the UNCformat.KEY POINT: Do not start shared names with a backslash (/). Ifthey start with a backslash (/), the machine will not identify themwhen processing job flows.Save in Enter the directory for storing documents.• Forwarding via FTPExample: To save the aaa directory located in the rootdirectory when you log in into the bbb directory (aaa/bbb).• Forwarding via SMBExample: To save the aaa directory with a specified volume(UNC format) in to the bbb directory (aaa\bbb).Login Name When a login name is required to be input by the forwardingdestination server, set the login name. For the login name, youcan enter a maximum of 32 characters.Password When a password is required to be input by the forwardingdestination server, set the password. For the password, you canenter a maximum of 32 characters.Port Number Set the forwarding destination port number. Input a number in therange 1 to 65535.When the Delete AllSettings button is selectedThis deletes all registered information for the selected addressbook entry. To delete all registered information for the selectedaddress book entry, select Yes.KEY POINT: Deleted information cannot be recovered.