X ero x 4 5 95 Co pi e r/P ri n te r S y s t em Ad m i ni s t rat i on G ui d e 8-1938 . S e t upsKEY POINT: When switching to or from remote access mode, thefollowing information will be lost: All user information, personalmailboxes, and personal job flow sheets.NOTE: This feature does not appear on some models. Anoptional package is necessary. For more information, contact theCustomer Support Center.• Guest User: Set whether or not an unregistered user can usethe machine with remote authentication as a guest user.• Guest Password: Select a guest password, ifnecessary. The password can contain 4-12 characters.Auditron Mode Select whether or not to use the Auditron administration featurewhen using the copy, scanner, and printer features. Note thatLogin Setup/Auditron administration cannot be used unless thesystem administrator UserID is set.For information about the items you can manage, refer toAuthentication and Auditron Administration page 16.NOTE: The items appearing depend on the services provided.• Copy Service: Administration relating to copy operations.• Print Service: Administration relating to print operations.• Scan Service: Administration relating to scan operations.Mailbox Access Set whether or not to carry out authentication when printing orretrieving documents stored in a mailbox.NOTE: This item is displayed only when the mailbox is registered.• Login During Retrieval: Set whether or not authentication isrequired when a document within a mailbox is retrievedthrough the network.• Login During Printing: Set whether or not authentication isrequired when a document within a mailbox is printed.