• Disable motor protection (L1-01 = 1) when running multiple motors from the same drive.Attach a thermal relay for each motor to provide overload protection.• Use L1-13 (Continuous Electrothermal Operation Selection) to select whether theelectrothermal value is “held” or “not held” when power supply is turned off. Default settingis 1 (Enabled).• In the case of a general purpose (standard) motor, the cooling capability is reduced at a lowspeed. Motor overload protection (oL1) may occur in frequencies lower than motor ratedcurrent. Use an exclusive-use or inverter-duty motor to operate the drive at rated current atlow frequency.u Notes on Controlling the Brake for the Hoist Application• The frequency detection function is used for controlling the brake.When an external Baseblock command is present while a Run command is active, thefrequency reference will be kept as long as the Run command is active. To avoid improperbrake operation make sure that frequency detection is set so that the brake does not openduring Baseblock (L4-07 = “0”, default).Brake Open/Close Brake Activation LevelFunction Parameter Signal ParameterFrequencyDetectionConditions L4-07 = 0 Frequency Detection Level L4-01 = 2.0 to 3.0 Hz <1>FrequencyDetection 2 H2-01 = 5 Frequency Detection Width 2.0 Hz (fixed)<1> If the load slips during stop, make it greater than E1-09 or 2.0 Hz until the load no longer slips.2.0 Hz (fixed)L4-01OFFONTimeOutputFrequencyFrequencyDectection 2Figure 4.20 Frequency Detection 2• The braking sequence should be designed as follows:• A normally open signal (N.O.) should be used to control the brake so that it is releasedwhen terminal MA-MC closes.• When an Up or Down command is entered, the brake should release.• When a fault signal is output, the brake should close.• When changing the speed using an analog signal, make sure that the source of the frequencyreference is assigned to the control circuit terminals (b1-01 = 1).4.5 Basic Operation108 YASKAWA ELECTRIC TOEP C710606 25B YASKAWA AC Drive J1000 Installation & Start-Up Manual