No. Name Description Range Def. Mode Addr.Hex Pg.V/fH5-05 Comm. FaultDetectionSelectionEnables or disables the communications timeout fault(CE).0: Disabled - A communication loss will not cause acommunication fault.1: Enabled - If communication is lost for more than 2seconds, a CE fault will occur.0, 1 1 O 429 —H5-06 Drive TransmitWait Time Set the wait time between receiving and sending data. 10 to 65 10 ms O 42A —H5-07 RTS ControlSelectionSelects "request to send" (RTS) control:0: Disabled - RTS is always on.1: Enabled - RTS turns on only when sending. 0, 1 1 O 42B —H5-12 Run CommandMethodSelection0: FWD/STOP, REV/STOP Method1: RUN/STOP, FWD/REV Method 0, 1 0 O 43D —H5-13MEMOBUSFreq.Reference andFreq. MonitorUnit0: 0.1 Hz/11: o1-03 based2: 100%/300003: 0.1%/10 to 3 0 O 43E —<22> Parameter can be changed during run.<39> If this parameter is set to 0, the drive will be unable to respond to MEMOBUS/Modbus commands.Note: Cycle power to the drive to enable MEMOBUS/Modbus settings.u L: Protection FunctionL parameters provide protection to the drive and motor, such as: control during momentarypower loss, Stall Prevention, frequency detection, fault restarts, overtorque detection, andother types of hardware protection.No. Name Description Range Def. Mode Addr.Hex Pg.V/fL1: Motor Protection FunctionsUse L1 parameters to configure motor protective functions.L1-01MotorOverloadProtectionSelectionSets the motor thermal overload protection (oL1)based on the cooling capacity of the motor.0: Disabled1: Standard Fan Cooled (speed range < 10:1)2: Standard Blower Cooled (speed range ≥ 10:1)NOTICE: When multiple motors are used the drivemay not be able to provide protection, even if it isenabled in L1-01. Set L1-01 to “0” and ensure eachmotor has a thermal relay installed.0 to 2 1 S 480 105L1-02MotorOverloadProtectionTimeSets the motor thermal overload protection (oL1)time.A larger L1-02 time will increase the time for an oL1fault to occur.This parameter does not typically require adjustment.Should be set in accordance with the overloadtolerance of the motor.0.1 to 5.0 1.0min O 481 105B.2 Parameter Table210 YASKAWA ELECTRIC TOEP C710606 25B YASKAWA AC Drive J1000 Installation & Start-Up Manual