u Run Command Input Selection: b1-02This section explains how to assign the run command input.Parameters b1-01 and b1-02 can be used to select the source of the run command and thefrequency reference independently, e.g. set the reference from the operator and set the runcommand from the terminals.WARNING! Sudden Movement Hazard. When the run command is given by turning on the power to the drive,the motor will begin rotating as soon as the drive is powered up. Be sure to take proper precautions if usingthis setting. Ensure the area around the motor is safe. Failure to comply could result in death or serious injury.n Run the Drive at 6 Hz using the LED Operator: b1-02 = 0To assign the run command to the operator panel, set parameter b1-02 to “0”. This will set upthe drive to acknowledge the run command through the LED operator. Initialize the runcommand using the Run and Stop keys. Upon power up, the drive uses parameter b1-02 todetermine the run command location.The following procedure indicates how to start and stop the drive through the LED operatorafter parameter b1-02 has been set to 0.Note:When b1-02 (Run Command Selection) is not set to 0 (operator), press to set LOCAL.Step Display/Result1. Turn on the power to the drive. The initial display appears.2. Set the frequency reference to F6.00 (6 Hz).Note:Refer to Drive Mode Details on page 80 for instructions on howto set the frequency reference.3. Press the key to start the motor.4. The motor should accelerate up to 6 Hz while the RUN light is on. STOPoff on5. Press the STOP key to stop the motor. The RUN light will flashuntil the motor comes to a complete stop. flashing offn Run the Drive using Digital Input Terminals: b1-02 = 1This setting uses the digital input terminals to enter the run command. The factory setting isa 2-wire sequence.4.5 Basic OperationYASKAWA ELECTRIC TOEP C710606 25B YASKAWA AC Drive J1000 Installation & Start-Up Manual 894 Start-Up Programming& Operation