ABS (ANTI-LOCK BRAKE SYSTEM)4-65TIPDo not allow any foreign materials to enter thehydraulic unit assembly or the brake hoseswhen installing the hydraulic unit assembly.NOTICEECA21110Do not remove the rubber plugs or bolts(M10 × 1.25) installed in the brake hose unionbolt holes before installing the hydraulic unitassembly.2. Remove:• Rubber plugs or bolts (M10 × 1.25)3. Install:• Brake hose (rear brake master cylinder to hy-draulic unit) “1”• Brake hose (front brake master cylinder tohydraulic unit) “2”• Brake hose (hydraulic unit to left front brakecaliper) “3”• Brake hose (hydraulic unit to rear brake cali-per) “4”NOTICEECA21120If the brake hose union bolt does not turneasily, replace the hydraulic unit assembly,brake hoses, and related parts as a set.▼▼▼▼ ▼ ▼▼▼▼ ▼ ▼▼▼▼ ▼ ▼▼▼▼ ▼ ▼▼▼▼ ▼ ▼▼▼▼ ▼▼▼a. Temporarily install the brake hoses as shownin the illustration.b. Position the brake hose (front brake mastercylinder to hydraulic unit) “2” so that its pro-jection “a” contacts the brake hose (rearbrake master cylinder to hydraulic unit) “1”,and then temporarily tighten the union bolt forthe brake hose (front brake master cylinder tohydraulic unit).c. Temporarily tighten the union bolt for thebrake hose (rear brake master cylinder to hy-draulic unit) “1”.TIPMake sure that the pipe section “b” of the brakehose (rear brake master cylinder to hydraulicunit) does not contact the hydraulic unit.d. Position the brake hose (hydraulic unit to leftfront brake caliper) “3” so that its projection“c” contacts the brake hose (front brake mas-ter cylinder to hydraulic unit) “2”, and thentemporarily tighten the union bolt for thebrake hose (hydraulic unit to left front brakecaliper).e. Position the brake hose (hydraulic unit to rearbrake caliper) “4” so that its projection “d”contacts the brake hose (rear brake mastercylinder to hydraulic unit) “1”, and then tem-porarily tighten the union bolt for the brakehose (hydraulic unit to rear brake caliper).f. Tighten the brake hose union bolts to specifi-cation.▲▲▲▲ ▲ ▲▲▲▲ ▲ ▲▲▲▲ ▲ ▲▲▲▲ ▲ ▲▲▲▲ ▲ ▲▲▲▲ ▲▲▲4. Connect:• ABS ECU coupler “1”TIP• Connect the ABS ECU coupler, and then pushthe lock lever “a” of the coupler in the directionof the arrow shown.• Make sure that the ABS ECU coupler is con-nected in the correct position as shown in illus-tration “A”.T R..Front brake hose union bolt30 Nm (3.0 m·kgf, 22 ft·lbf)Rear brake hose union bolt30 Nm (3.0 m·kgf, 22 ft·lbf)32b14da c1a