CRANKSHAFT AND BALANCER SHAFT5-90d. Install the crankshaft journal lower bearings“3” into the crankcase and assemble thecrankcase and cylinder.TIP• Align the projections “d” of the crankshaft jour-nal lower bearings with the notches “e” in thecrankcase.• Do not move the crankshaft until the clearancemeasurement has been completed.e. Tighten the bolts to specification in the tight-ening sequence cast on the crankcase.Refer to “CRANKCASE” on page 5-69.f. Remove the crankcase and the crankshaftjournal lower bearings.g. Measure the compressed Plastigauge®width “g” on each crankshaft journal.If the crankshaft-journal-to-crankshaft-jour-nal-bearing clearance is out of specification,select replacement crankshaft journal bear-ings.▲▲▲▲ ▲ ▲▲▲▲ ▲ ▲▲▲▲ ▲ ▲▲▲▲ ▲ ▲▲▲▲ ▲ ▲▲▲▲ ▲▲▲5. Select:• Crankshaft journal bearings (J1–J3)TIP• The numbers “A” stamped into the crankcaseand the numbers “B” stamped into the crank-shaft web are used to determine the replace-ment crankshaft journal bearing sizes.• J1–J3 refer to the bearings shown in the crank-case and crankshaft web illustration.• If J1–J3 are the same, use the same size for allof the bearings.For example, if the crankcase J1 and crank-shaft web J1 numbers are 5 and 3 respective-ly, then the bearing size for J1 is:2ed3gJ1 (crankcase) – J 1 (crankshaft web) –2= 5 – 3 – 2= 0 (white–pink)J1 J2 J3AJ1 J2 J333322J1 J3J2B