ABS (ANTI-LOCK BRAKE SYSTEM)4-699. A reaction-force pulsating action is generatedin the brake lever “1” and continues for a fewseconds.TIP• The reaction-force pulsating action consists ofquick pulses.• Be sure to continue operating the brake leverand brake pedal even after the pulsating actionhas stopped.• “ON” and “OFF” on the tool screen indicatewhen the brakes are being applied and re-leased respectively.10.After the pulsating action has stopped in thebrake lever, it is generated in the brake pedal“1” and continues for a few seconds.TIP• The reaction-force pulsating action consists ofquick pulses.• Be sure to continue operating the brake leverand brake pedal even after the pulsating actionhas stopped.• “ON” and “OFF” on the tool screen indicatewhen the brakes are being applied and re-leased respectively.11.After the pulsating action has stopped in thebrake pedal, it is generated in the brake leverand continues for a few seconds.TIP• The reaction-force pulsating action consists ofquick pulses.• “ON” and “OFF” on the tool screen indicatewhen the brakes are being applied and re-leased respectively.NOTICEECA18280• Check that the pulse is felt in the brake le-ver, brake pedal, and again in the brake le-ver, in this order.• If the pulse is felt in the brake pedal beforeit is felt in the brake lever, check that thebrake hoses and brake pipes are connectedcorrectly to the hydraulic unit assembly.• If the pulse is hardly felt in either the brakelever or brake pedal, check that the brakehoses and brake pipes are connected cor-rectly to the hydraulic unit assembly.12.Turn the main switch to “OFF”.13.Remove the Yamaha diagnostic tool from theYamaha diagnostic tool coupler, and then in-stall the protective cap.14.Turn the main switch to “ON”.15.Set the start/engine stop switch to “ ”.16.Check for brake fluid leakage around the hy-draulic unit.Brake fluid leakage → Replace the hydraulicunit, brake hoses, and related parts as a set.17.If the operation of the hydraulic unit is normal,delete all of the fault codes.EAS31041CHECKING THE ABS WARNING LIGHTAfter all checks and servicing are completed, en-sure that the ABS warning light goes off by walk-ing the vehicle at a speed of faster than 7 km/h(4.4 mph) or performing a trial run.2 311