ABS (ANTI-LOCK BRAKE SYSTEM)8-9918*46*Rear wheel sensor (missingpulses)Rear wheel sensor signal isnot received properly. (Miss-ing pulses are detected inthe signal while the vehicle istraveling.)• Foreign material adheredaround the rear wheel sen-sor• Incorrect installation of therear wheel• Defective sensor rotor orincorrect installation of therotor• Defective rear wheel sen-sor or incorrect installationof the sensor21 Hydraulic unit assembly (de-fective solenoid drive circuit)Solenoid drive circuit in thehydraulic unit assembly isopen or short-circuited.• Defective hydraulic unit as-sembly24 Brake light switch ortail/brake lightBrake light signal is not re-ceived properly while the ve-hicle is traveling. (Brake lightcircuit, or front or rear brakelight switch circuit)• Defective signaling system(tail/brake light or brakelight switch)• Defective coupler betweenthe signaling system(tail/brake light or brakelight switch) and the hy-draulic unit assembly• Open or short circuit in thewire harness between thesignaling system (tail/brakelight or brake light switch)and the hydraulic unit as-sembly• Defective hydraulic unit as-sembly31 Hydraulic unit assembly (ab-normal ABS solenoid powersupply)Power is not supplied to thesolenoid circuit in the hy-draulic unit assembly.• Blown ABS solenoid fuse• Defective coupler betweenthe battery and the hydrau-lic unit assembly• Open or short circuit in thewire harness between thebattery and the hydraulicunit assembly• Defective hydraulic unit as-sembly32 Hydraulic unit assembly(short circuit in ABS solenoidpower supply circuit)Short circuit is detected inthe solenoid power supplycircuit in the hydraulic unitassembly.• Defective hydraulic unit as-sembly33 Hydraulic unit assembly (ab-normal ABS motor powersupply)Power is not supplied to themotor circuit in the hydraulicunit assembly.• Blown ABS motor fuse• Defective coupler betweenthe battery and the hydrau-lic unit assembly• Open or short circuit in thewire harness between thebattery and the hydraulicunit assembly• Defective hydraulic unit as-sembly34 Hydraulic unit assembly(short circuit in ABS motorpower supply circuit)Short circuit is detected inthe motor power supply cir-cuit in the hydraulic unit as-sembly.• Defective hydraulic unit as-semblyFault code No. Item Symptom Check point