FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM8-67Fault code No. 442 Connection of ECU coupler.Check the locking condition ofthe coupler.Disconnect the coupler andcheck the pins (bent or brokenterminals and locking conditionof the pins).Improperly connected → Con-nect the coupler securely or re-place the wire harness.Start the engine and let it idle forapproximately 5 seconds.Fault code number is not dis-played → Service is finished.Fault code number is displayed→ Go to item 3.3 Wire harness continuity. Open or short circuit → Replacethe wire harness.Between relay unit coupler andECU coupler.red/blue–red/blueblue/yellow–blue/yellowBetween relay unit coupler andjoint coupler.red/white–red/whiteBetween joint coupler and igni-tion fuse.red/white–red/whiteBetween ignition fuse and mainswitch coupler.brown/blue–brown/blueBetween main switch couplerand starter relay coupler.red–redBetween starter relay couplerand battery terminal.red–redStart the engine and let it idle forapproximately 5 seconds.Fault code number is not dis-played → Service is finished.Fault code number is displayed→ Go to item 4.4 Defective relay unit. Execute the diagnostic mode.(Code No. 50)No operating sound → Replacethe relay unit.Start the engine and let it idle forapproximately 5 seconds.Fault code number is not dis-played → Service is finished.Fault code number is displayed→ Go to item 5.5 Defective relay unit. Execute the diagnostic mode.(Code No. 09)Fuel system voltage is below 3V → Replace the relay unit.Start the engine and let it idle forapproximately 5 seconds.Fault code number is not dis-played → Service is finished.Fault code number is displayed→ Go to item 6.6 Malfunction in ECU. Replace the ECU.Refer to “REPLACING THEECU (engine control unit)” onpage 8-128.Fault code No. 43Item Fuel system voltage: incorrect voltage supplied to the fuel injectorand fuel pump.Fault code No. 44Item EEPROM fault code number: an error is detected while reading orwriting on EEPROM.Fail-safe system Able/Unable to start engineAble/Unable to drive vehicleDiagnostic code No. 60