IMMOBILIZER SYSTEM8-84Immobilizer system indicator light fault code indicationUnits of 10: Cycles of on for 1 second and off for 1.5 seconds.Units of 1: Cycles of on for 0.5 second and off for 0.5 second.Example: fault code 5252 IMMOBILIZERUNITCodes between thekey and immobilizerunit do not match.1. Signal received fromother transponder(failed to recognizecode after ten consecu-tive attempts).2. Signal received fromunregistered standardkey.1. Place the immobi-lizer unit at least50 mm away fromthe transponder ofother vehicles.2. Register the stan-dard key.53 IMMOBILIZERUNITCodes cannot betransmitted betweenthe ECU and the im-mobilizer unit.Noise interference or dis-connected lead/cable.1. Interference due to ra-dio wave noise.2. Disconnected commu-nication harness.3. Immobilizer unit mal-function.4. ECU malfunction.1. Check the wireharness and con-nector.2. Replace the mainswitch/immobiliz-er unit.3. Replace the ECU.Refer to “REPLAC-ING THE ECU (en-gine control unit)” onpage 8-128.54 IMMOBILIZERUNITCodes transmitted be-tween the ECU andthe immobilizer unit donot match.Noise interference or dis-connected lead/cable.1. Interference due to ra-dio wave noise.2. Disconnected commu-nication harness.3. Immobilizer unit mal-function.4. ECU failure.(The ECU or immobiliz-er unit was replacedwith a used unit fromanother vehicle.)1. Register the codere-registering key.2. Check the wireharness and con-nector.3. Replace the mainswitch/immobiliz-er unit.4. Replace the ECU.Refer to “REPLAC-ING THE ECU (en-gine control unit)” onpage 8-128.55 IMMOBILIZERUNITKey code registrationmalfunction.Same standard key was at-tempted to be registeredtwo consecutive times.Register anotherstandard key.56 ECU Unidentified code isreceived.Noise interference or dis-connected lead/cable.1. Check the wireharness and con-nector.2. Replace the mainswitch/immobiliz-er unit.3. Replace the ECU.Refer to “REPLAC-ING THE ECU (en-gine control unit)” onpage 8-128.Fault code Part Symptom Cause Action