Chapter 6 Control Modes of OperationRevision June 2010 6-3• Value C: Logic typeLogic Pulse Type Forward ReverseAB phasepulseCW + CCWpulse0 PositiveLogicPulse +DirectionAB phasepulseCW + CCWpulse1 Negative LogicPulse +DirectionMin. time widthPulse specificationMax. inputpulsefrequency T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6High-speed pulse Linereceiver 4Mpps 62.5ns 125ns 250ns 200ns 125ns 125nsLine driver 500Kpps 0.5μs 1μs 2μs 2μs 1μs 1μsLow-speed pulse Opencollector 200Kpps 1.25μs 2.5μs 5μs 5μs 2.5μs 2.5μsPulse specification Max. input pulsefrequencyVoltagespecification Forward specificationHigh-speedpulseLinereceiver 4Mpps 5V < 25mALinedriver 500Kpps 2.8V ~ 3.7V < 25mALow-speedpulse Opencollector 200Kpps 24V (Max.) < 25mA• Source of pulse commandSettingvalue Input pulse interface Remark0 Open collector forlow-speed pulseCN1 Terminal Identification:PULSE, SIGN1 Line driver forhigh-speed pulseCN1 Terminal Identification:PULSE_D, SIGN_D