Chapter 7 Servo ParametersRevision June 2010 7-77Bit14 corresponds with DO setting value 0x3EBit15 corresponds with DO setting value 0x3FFor example:When P2-18 is set to 0x0130, it indicates that the state of DO1 is the Bit00 state ofP4-06.This parameter can also be used to force the state of DO signal. Please refer toP2-18 ~ P2-22 to assign the functions of digital outouts (DO signals) and section4.4.3 for the Force Outputs Operation.P4 - 07■ ITST Input Status Address: 040EH, 040FHDefault: 0 Related Section: Section 4.4.4Applicable Control Mode: ALL Section 8.2Unit: N/ARange: 0 ~ 01FFData Size: 16-bitDisplay Format: HexadecimalSettings:The control of digital inputs can be determined by the external terminals (DI1 ~DI9) or by the internal software digital inputs SDI1 ~ SDI9 (corresponds to Bit0 ~Bit8 of P1-47) via communication (upon software). Please refer to P3-06 andsection 8.2 for the setting method.Read P4-07: Display the final status of DI input signal.Write P4-07: Write the status of software digital inputs SDI1 ~ SDI9(No matter the servo drive is controller through digital keypad or communicationcontrol, the function of this parameter is the same.)For example:External Control: Display the final status of DI input signalWhen the read value of P4-07 is 0x0011, it indicates that DI1 and DI5 are ON.Communication Control (Internal DIs): Read the status of input signal (uponsoftware).For example:When the write value of P4-07 is 0x0011, it indicates that software digital inputsSDI1 and SDI5 are ON.Bit0 ~ Bit8 corresponds with DI1 ~ DI9.For the settings of DI1 ~ DI9, please refer to P2-10 ~ P2-17 and P2-36.Internal DIsExternal DIsRead or WriteFinal DI StatusP3-06