Eaton® Power Xpert® 9395P-1200 Installation and Operation Manual 164000500—Rev 11 9144..1111 IInnssttaalllliinngg OOppttiioonnss,, AAcccceessssoorriieess,, aanndd DDiissttrriibbuutteedd BByyppaassss CCoonnttrrooll WWiirriinnggTo install options, accessories, and distributed bypass control wiring, seeChapter 5 Installing Options and Accessories.44..1122 IInniittiiaall SSttaarrttuuppStartup and operational checks must be performed by an authorized Eaton Customer Service Engineer, or thewarranty terms become void (see Section 1.10 Warranty). This service is offered as part of the sales contractfor the UPS system. Contact an Eaton service representative in advance (usually a two-week notice is required)to reserve a preferred startup date.44..1133 CCoommpplleettiinngg tthhee IInnssttaallllaattiioonn CChheecckklliissttThe final step in installing the UPS system is completing the following Installation Checklist.This checklist ensures that you have completely installed all hardware, cables, and other equipment. Completeall items listed on the checklist to ensure a smooth installation. Make a copy of the Installation Checklist beforefilling it out, and retain the original.After the installation is complete, an Eaton Customer Service Engineer must verify the operation of the UPSsystem and commission it to support the critical load. The service representative cannot perform anyinstallation tasks other than verifying software and operating setup parameters. Service personnel may requesta copy of the completed Installation Checklist to verify all applicable equipment installations have beencompleted.NOTE The Installation Checklist MUST be completed prior to starting the UPS system for thefirst time.DDiissttrriibbuutteedd BByyppaassss IInnssttaallllaattiioonn CChheecckklliisstto Each cabinet in the distributed bypass system is placed in its installed location.o All conduits and cables are properly routed to the UPS cabinets and to the tie cabinet or distribution panel.o All power cables are properly sized and terminated.o A ground conductor is properly installed.o Controller Area Network (CAN) wiring between the UPS cabinets is properly installed.o Pull-chain wiring between the UPS cabinets is properly installed.o Adequate workspace exists around the UPS cabinets, the tie cabinet, and other cabinets.o Startup and operational checks are performed by an authorized Eaton Customer Service Engineer.UPS System Installation