Eaton® Power Xpert® 9395P-1200 Installation and Operation Manual 164000500—Rev 11 115Figure 63. Path of Current Through the UPS in Online ModeK1 K3K5K1 K3K2Main Power FlowTrickle CurrentEnergizedDe-EnergizedContactorsBreakersBypass InputRectifierInputInputBreaker(CB1)BatteryBreakerOutputClosedOpenRectifier InverterStaticSwitchBatteryConverterBatteryNOTE On a UPS configured as an IOM, the bypass input, static switch, bypass breaker (CB4), and K5 are not present.NOTE On a UPS configured with a Continuous Static Switch (CSS), bypass breaker (CB4) is not present.If the utility AC power is interrupted or is out of specification, the UPS automatically switches to Battery modeto support the critical load without interruption. When utility power returns, the UPS returns to Online mode.NOTE Bypass mode is not available on a UPS configured as an IOM.If the UPS becomes overloaded or unavailable, the UPS switches to Bypass mode. The UPS automaticallyreturns to Online mode when the overload condition is cleared and system operation is restored withinspecified limits.If the UPS suffers an internal failure, it switches automatically to Bypass mode and remains in that mode untilthe failure is corrected and the UPS is back in service.66..22..33 EEnneerrggyy SSaavveerr SSyysstteemm ((EESSSS)) MMooddeeNOTE VMMS and ESS modes are mutually exclusive. If ESS mode is enabled, VMMS mode isdisabled.When the UPS is operating in ESS mode, the bypass source supplies the commercial AC power to the loaddirectly through the static switch. Some power line filtering and spike protection is provided to the load but noactive power conditioning or battery support is available. All power converters are off and are in the ready state(in case a forward transfer is needed). During this mode, the output contactor is closed and the link ismaintained through the diode bridge.If commercial power voltage or frequency disturbances are detected, the system forward transfers to Batterymode for minor disturbances and then to double-conversion mode for more severe disturbances. During aUnderstanding UPS Operation