4 Eaton® Power Xpert® 9395P-1200 Installation and Operation Manual 164000500—Rev 11• Alarm Contact – One alarm contact is provided for connection to equipment at the facility, such as a light,an audible alarm, or a computer terminal. The equipment connected to this contact alerts you to a UPSalarm. See Chapter 8 Communication for additional information.• X-Slot Communication Bays – Four communication bays are standard equipment. One to four optional X-Slot® connectivity cards can be installed in the UPS module at any time. X-Slot cards are quickly installed atthe front of the UPS and are hot-pluggable. See Chapter 8 Communication for additional information.11..22..44 AAddvvaanncceedd BBaatttteerryy MMaannaaggeemmeennttA three-stage charging system increases battery service life by optimizing recharge time, and protects batteriesfrom damage due to high current charging and inverter ripple currents. Charging at high currents can overheatand damage batteries.11..22..55 PPoowweerr MMaannaaggeemmeenntt SSooffttwwaarreeEaton’s Intelligent Power® Software solution, based on Web2.0 technology, includes two applications:Intelligent Power® Manager™ for UPS management and monitoring, and Intelligent Power® Protector™, whichallows graceful shutdown of operating systems. See Chapter 8 Communication for additional information.11..33 OOppttiioonnss aanndd AAcccceessssoorriieessContact an Eaton sales representative for information about the following options.11..33..11 IInntteeggrraatteedd BBaatttteerryy CCaabbiinneettssBattery backup protection can be provided by equipping the UPS system with Eaton 9395P-1200 batterycabinets containing sealed lead-acid, maintenance-free batteries. The cabinets are designed for standaloneinstallation and may be installed adjacent to the UPS or in a separate location. The recommended installationlocation for adjacent battery cabinets is on the right side of the UPS cabinet to allow for future expansion usingan external module.Consult the Eaton® Power Xpert® 9395/9395P Integrated Battery Cabinet (Models 1085 and 1085HR)Installation Manual (P-164000580) for specifics on battery cabinet usage with the 9395P-1200.11..33..22 FFiieelldd IInnssttaalllleedd UUPPMMA Field Installed UPM (FI-UPM) provides upgradability for the Eaton 9395P-1200 Three UPM UPS. The FI-UPMmay be installed at any time in the future when power needs change. The module cabinet is installed on theleft side of the ISBM section and is wired directly to the UPS. No input or output wiring changes are needed fora capacity increase if the original installation was wired for increased capacity. Operation remains the same asthe original UPS.11..33..33 SSyynncc CCoonnttrroollAn optional Eaton® 9395P-1200 Sync Control maintains the critical load outputs of two separate single module9395P-1200 UPS systems in synchronization. This option facilitates the uninterrupted transfer of the load fromone load bus to another by means of transfer switches. The Sync Control is housed in a wall-mounted panelthat can be located between the UPS units for easy wiring.11..33..44 SSiinnggllee--FFeeeedd KKiittAn optional kit is available for converting the dual-feed rectifier and bypass inputs to a single-feed configuration.The kit consists of jumpers and bus bar extensions for each phase, and the hardware required for installation.11..33..55 DDiissttrriibbuutteedd BByyppaassss SSyysstteemmThere are two types of redundancy: UPS based (based on the number of UPSs) and UPM based (based on thenumber of UPMs). Each UPS contains two to three UPMs.A distributed bypass UPS system with two to five UPSs can be installed to provide a capacity and/or redundantsystem. This load sharing system provides more capacity than a single UPS, and can provide backup,Introduction