154 Eaton® Power Xpert® 9395P-1200 Installation and Operation Manual 164000500—Rev 1177..33..1111 SSyysstteemm EEvveennttss MMaaiinn SSccrreeeennWhen the UPS system is running in Online mode, it continually monitors itself and the incoming utility power.In Battery or Bypass modes, the UPS may issue alarms to display exactly what event caused the change fromOnline mode. System events on the UPS can be indicated by horns, lights, messages, or all three. SeeFigure 101.Figure 101. System Events Screen77..33..1122 UUsseerr LLooggSelect LOGS from the menu bar on the main menu screen to look at the active events screen. This screenshows any currently active alarms, notices, or commands.• System Event Horns – The system event horn beeps to alert an operator that an event needing attentionis taking place. The horn cycles at a half-second rate.• System Event Indicators – The status indicators on the UPS control panel work with the event horn to letthe operator know when the UPS is operating in any mode other than normal. Only the ON indicator isvisible during normal UPS system operation. The other indicators illuminate to indicate alarms or events.When an alarm occurs, first check these indicators to see what type of event has taken place. Fordescriptions of the status indicators, see paragraph 7.3.1 Status Indicators.• System Event Messages – When a system event occurs, a message appears on the LCD in the UPSstatus area. This message is also written to the Active Events Log and may be added to the History Log.The messages are divided into four categories: alarms, notices, status, and commands.The user log window (1) allows the operator to enter any number up to the number shown to the right of thebox. Each window shows five events. The operator can also use the UP/DOWN arrows above and below theblue field (2) showing the number of events in the log. See Figure 102.UPS Operating Instructions