![Eaton Power Xpert 9395P-1100/1100 Installation And Operation Manual Manual pdf 203 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/5023638/ad452b1063f56628e307a461efabe931203f.jpg)
Eaton® Power Xpert® 9395P-1200 Installation and Operation Manual 164000500—Rev 11 185CChhaapptteerr 99 UUPPSS MMaaiinntteennaanncceeThe components inside the UPS cabinet are secured to a sturdy metal frame. All repairable parts andassemblies are located for easy removal, with very little disassembly. This design allows authorized servicepersonnel to perform routine maintenance and servicing quickly.You must schedule periodic performance checks of your UPS system to keep it running properly. Regularroutine checks of operation and system parameters enable your system to function efficiently for manytrouble–free years.99..11 IImmppoorrttaanntt SSaaffeettyy IInnssttrruuccttiioonnssRemember that your UPS system is designed to supply power EVEN WHEN DISCONNECTED FROM THEUTILITY POWER. The UPS module interiors are unsafe until the DC power source is disconnected and theelectrolytic capacitors are discharged. After disconnecting the utility power and the DC power, authorizedservice personnel should wait at least five minutes for capacitor bleedoff before attempting internal access tothe UPS module.• Servicing and maintenance should be performed by qualified service personnel only.• LETHAL VOLTAGE PRESENT. This unit should not be operated with the cabinet doors open or protectivepanels removed. Do not make any assumptions about the electrical state of any cabinet in the UPSsystem.AVERTISSEMENT!• L’installation et l’entretien ne doivent être effectués que par du personnel qualifié.• PRÉSENCE DE TENSIONS MORTELLES. Ne pas faire fonctionner cette unité lorsque les portes del’armoire sont ouvertes ou si les panneaux de protection ne sont pas en place. Ne jamais faire desuppositions au sujet de l’état électrique des armoires du système d’onduleur.Because each battery string is an energy source in itself, opening the battery circuit breaker does not de-energize the voltage within the battery string. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ACCESS ANY INTERNAL AREA OFTHE BATTERY STRING YOURSELF. VOLTAGES ARE ALWAYS PRESENT IN THE BATTERY STRING. Ifyou suspect that a battery string needs service, contact an Eaton service representative.If the string requires service, refer to the battery manufacturer's operating manual for instructions on batterymaintenance or contact an Eaton service representative.Observe these precautions when working on or around batteries:• Remove watches, rings, or other metal objects.• Use tools with insulated handles.• Wear rubber gloves and boots.• Do not lay tools or metal parts on top of batteries or battery cabinets.• Disconnect the charging source prior to connecting or disconnecting terminals.• Determine if the battery is inadvertently grounded. If it is, remove the source of the ground. Contact withany part of a grounded battery can result in electrical shock. The likelihood of such shock is reduced if suchgrounds are removed during installation and maintenance.