68 Eaton® Power Xpert® 9395P-1200 Installation and Operation Manual 164000500—Rev 1144..55 FFiieelldd IInnssttaalllleedd UUPPMM IInnssttaallllaattiioonnIf installing a Plus 1 configuration with an FI-UPM, install the FI-UPM using the instructions in the Eaton®Power Xpert® 9395P UPS Field Installed UPM Mechanical Installation Manual (P-164000503) listed in1.8 For More Information. After the FI-UPM is installed, proceed to 4.6 Battery System Installation in thisdocument if installing a battery system; otherwise, proceed to4.8 Installing UPS External and Battery Power Wiring in this document to complete the wiring of the UPS.44..66 BBaatttteerryy SSyysstteemm IInnssttaallllaattiioonnIf installing a battery system, install the customer-supplied battery system according to the battery and batterysystem manufacturer's instructions and all applicable codes and regulations, including the NEC, Article 480.After the battery system is installed, proceed to paragraph 4.7 Distributed Bypass Tie Cabinet Installation ifinstalling a distributed bypass tie cabinet; otherwise, proceed to paragraph4.8 Installing UPS External and Battery Power Wiring to complete the wiring of the UPS.44..77 DDiissttrriibbuutteedd BByyppaassss TTiiee CCaabbiinneett IInnssttaallllaattiioonnNOTE The tie cabinet must contain Module Output Breakers (MOBs) with dual auxiliarycontacts for control of the system. Without dual auxiliary MOBs, UPMs are not allowedto go to bypass individually during servicing. All UPMs will go to bypass instead of thejust the UPM needing service, decreasing critical load protection. With dual auxiliaryMOBs, one UPM can be bypassed while the remaining UPMs support the load as longas the remaining UPMs have the capacity to do so.If installing a distributed bypass system, install the customer-supplied tie cabinet or distribution panel accordingto the tie cabinet or distribution panel manufacturer's instructions and all applicable codes and regulations,including the NEC, Article 480. After the tie cabinet is installed, proceed to paragraph4.8 Installing UPS External and Battery Power Wiring to complete the wiring of the UPS.44..88 IInnssttaalllliinngg UUPPSS EExxtteerrnnaall aanndd BBaatttteerryy PPoowweerr WWiirriinnggNOTE 1 The ISBM and UPM sections are shipped with debris shields covering the ventilationgrills on top of the sections (see Figure 31). Do not remove the debris shields untilinstallation is complete. However, remove the shields before operating the UPS. Oncethe debris shields are removed, do not place objects on the ventilation grills.NOTE 2 Remove the ISBM section top or bottom conduit landing plate to drill or punch conduitholes (see Figure 35).Remove the ISBM section top or bottom conduit landing plate to drill or punch conduit holes (see Figure 32).44..88..11 EExxtteerrnnaall PPoowweerr WWiirriinngg IInnssttaallllaattiioonnTo install wiring to connections:1. Remove one top screw and two bottom screws securing each ISBM section left and right front panel (see3.2.4 UPS System Power Wiring Preparation). Lift the panels straight up to remove them from the panelhanger brackets at the top of the cabinet.2. Remove the screws securing the top and bottom internal safety shield panels and remove the panels togain access to the input, output, and battery terminals. Retain the hardware for later use.3. Route the input and output cables through either the top or bottom of the cabinet to the UPS terminals.See Figure 32 through Figure 34 for wiring access information and terminal locations.Top Access Wiring. Remove the top conduit plate from the top of the ISBM section. Identify all conduitrequirements and mark their location. Drill and punch all conduit holes in the top conduit plate prior toUPS System Installation