174 Eaton® Power Xpert® 9395P-1200 Installation and Operation Manual 164000500—Rev 11The input, output, battery, and bypass backfeed contactors open, and the power module is turned off.Power is present inside the UPS cabinet until the upstream input feeder circuit breaker is opened.3. If the UPSs contain input breakers (CB1), open all UPS input breakers.4. Open the input and bypass feeder circuit breakers on all UPSs.77..55..1100 CChhaarrggeerr CCoonnttrroollTo turn on the battery charger:1. Press the CONTROLS pushbutton on the main menu bar. The System Status screen is displayed.2. On the System Status screen, select the CHARGER command.3. Press the CONTROLS pushbutton on the System Status menu bar. The Charger Control Command screenis displayed.4. On the Charger Control Command screen, select CHARGER ON.5. Press the SELECT pushbutton on the Charger Command menu bar.To turn the battery charger off:1. Press the CONTROLS pushbutton on the main menu bar. The System Status screen is displayed.2. On the System Status screen, select the CHARGER command.3. Press the CONTROLS pushbutton on the System Status menu bar. The Charger Control Command screenis displayed.4. On the Charger Control Command screen, select CHARGER OFF.5. Press the SELECT pushbutton on the Charger Command menu bar.77..55..1111 UUssiinngg tthhee UUPPSS LLOOAADD OOFFFF PPuusshhbbuuttttoonn oorr CCoommmmaannddA UPS Load Off is initiated by the LOAD OFF pushbutton from the main menu bar, the Load Off command onthe UPS Control Command screen, or the Load Off command on the Bypass Control Command screen. TheUPS LOAD OFF controls the UPSs' outputs by powering down the UPS and de–energizing the critical load.NOTE The UPS Load Off controls each UPS independently and does not shut down the wholedistributed bypass system unless all UPSs have been transferred to bypass. Toimmediately shut down the whole system, use the REPO switch (see paragraph7.5.12 Using the Remote Emergency Power-off Switch).To use the LOAD OFF pushbutton:1. Press the LOAD OFF pushbutton on the UPS to shut down.The Load Off screen is displayed, providing a choice to proceed or abort the shutdown.All power to the critical load is lost when the LOAD OFF is selected in the following step. You should use thisfeature only when you want to de–energize the critical load.2. To shut down the UPS, press LOAD OFF from the Load Off menu bar, and hold for three seconds. Toabort the shutdown, press CANCEL.UPS Operating Instructions