6 Eaton® Power Xpert® 9395P-1200 Installation and Operation Manual 164000500—Rev 1111..33..1100 VVaarriiaabbllee MMoodduullee MMaannaaggeemmeenntt SSyysstteemm aanndd HHiigghh AAlleerrtt MMooddeessNOTE Variable Module Management System and Energy Saver modes are mutually exclusive.The Variable Module Management System (VMMS) mode maintains UPM redundancy and achieves higherefficiencies by intelligently controlling the UPMs’ load level. The efficiency rating for each UPM is highest whenloads are greater than 50% of the system rating. Therefore, shifting the load to fewer UPMs can achieve higherefficiencies when the UPS load is lighter.In VMMS mode, the UPS is actively monitoring the critical bus and UPMs are available to assume load in lessthan 2 ms to respond to load changes.The VMMS feature has three configurable modes of operation: Online mode, Online mode with VMMS, andHigh Alert mode. All modes are selectable from the front panel.VMMS mode supports both distributed bypass and SBM parallel configurations.In High Alert mode, all idle UPMs go online for one hour. At the completion of the hour, the UPS defaults backto VMMS mode. If the High Alert command is received during the one hour, the one hour timer will berestarted.11..33..1111 MMoonniittoorriinngg aanndd CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnThe UPS system can be further enhanced by adding optional accessories such as a Remote Emergency Power-off (REPO) control, RMP II, SCM II, RIM II, or X-Slot communication cards. SeeChapter 5 Installing Options and Accessories for additional information.• Remote Monitor Panel II (RMP II)– An optional RMP II contains backlit status indicators and a local horn,allowing monitoring of the operational status and alarm condition of the UPS from virtually any locationwithin the facility.• Relay Interface Module II (RIM II)– An optional RIM II uses relay contact closures to indicate the UPSoperating status and alarm condition.• Supervisory Contact Module II (SCM II)– An optional SCM II establishes an interface between the UPSsystem equipment and the customer's monitor.• X-Slot Cards– Optional X-Slot cards support several protocols, such as SNMP, HTTP, IBM® AS/400®, andModbus® RTU.• PredictPulse™ Remote Monitoring and Management Service – PredictPulse is a subscriptionmonitoring and management service from Eaton that collects and analyzes data from connected powerinfrastructure devices, providing us with the insight needed to make recommendations and take action onyour behalf. It’s also powered by CA Technologies, bringing together the best in hardware and software.Like a second set of eyes on your power infrastructure, PredictPulse provides 24/7 remote monitoring ofalarms and system performance (load, temperature/humidity, battery health, energy savings and servicelevel) to reduce downtime risk and expedite repairs. PredictPulse also shares real-time status and trendinformation via an online dashboard and smartphone mobile app (Apple and Android), giving subscribersinsights about past and current performance, a list of all active alarms, and asset management data (i.e.,battery date codes, last and next scheduled service dates, firmware versions). The service notifiescustomers of critical alarms, supports remote diagnostics, and facilitates smart dispatch of technicians.PredictPulse requires a Power Xpert® Gateway Card (PXGX) connectivity card in an X-Slot communicationbay and an Environmental Monitoring Probe (EMP) for battery temperature/humidity monitoring.See Chapter 8 Communication, for additional information on monitoring and communication features.Introduction