170 Eaton® Power Xpert® 9395P-1200 Installation and Operation Manual 164000500—Rev 1177..55..44 SSiinnggllee UUPPMM SShhuuttddoowwnnTo shut down a single UPM:1. Press the CONTROLS pushbutton on the main menu bar. The System Status screen is displayed.2. On the System Status screen, select the UPM Command.3. Press the CONTROLS pushbutton on the System Status Command menu bar. The UPM ControlCommand screen is displayed.4. On the UPM Control Command screen, select UPM OFF.5. Press the SELECT pushbutton on the UPM Command menu bar.The UPM status indicates READY. The input, output, and battery contactors open, and the power moduleremains on. The remaining UPMs supply the critical load.6. To turn off the power module, press the CONTROLS pushbutton on the UPS Control Command menu bar.The UPM Control Command screen is displayed.7. On the UPM Control Command screen, select UPM OFF.8. Press the SELECT pushbutton on the UPM Command menu bar.The UPM status indicates SHUTDOWN. The power module is turned off. The remaining UPMs continue tosupply the critical load.Logic power remains on.77..55..55 SSiinnggllee UUPPMM RReessttaarrttTo restart a single UPM from a shutdown state:1. Press the CONTROLS pushbutton on the main menu bar. The System Status screen is displayed.2. On the System Status screen, select the UPM command. The UPS Control Command screen is displayed.3. Press the CONTROLS pushbutton on the System Status Command menu bar. The UPM ControlCommand screen is displayed.4. On the UPM Control Command screen, select UPM ON.5. Press the SELECT pushbutton on the UPM Command menu bar.6. Verify the following messages display sequentially on the UPM status line:DC STARTING, CHARGER OFFINVERTER STARTINGINVERTER SYNCINGREADYThe UPM rectifier and inverter turn on.7. To transfer the UPM to Online mode, press the CONTROLS pushbutton on the UPS Control Commandmenu bar. The UPM Control Command screen is displayed.8. On the UPM Control Command screen, select UPM GO TO ONLINE.9. Press the SELECT pushbutton on the UPM Command menu bar.The UPM transfers to Online mode. The UPM status indicates ONLINE.UPS Operating Instructions