Eaton® Power Xpert® 9395P-1200 Installation and Operation Manual 164000500—Rev 11 47• All distributed bypass UPS rectifier inputs must come from one source and all bypass input feeds mustcome from one source.• All UPSs in the distributed bypass system must contain the same number of UPMs. Mixed UPS kVAratings are not permitted.• Distributed bypass UPS input wiring size requirements and output wiring size requirements from the UPSsto the tie cabinet or distribution panel are the same as listed in Table 6, Table 7, Table 8, or Table 9.• The 9395P-1200 480V unit is designed for operation on a ground wire source of supply. There is noadditional connection point for a neutral conductor. The output of this UPS will not directly support phaseto neutral loads.• The tie cabinet must contain Module Output Breakers (MOBs) with dual auxiliary contacts for control ofthe system. Without dual auxiliary MOBs, UPMs are not allowed to go to bypass individually duringservicing. All UPMs will go to bypass instead of just the UPM needing service, decreasing critical loadprotection. With dual auxiliary MOBs, one UPM can be bypassed while the remaining UPMs support theload as long as the remaining UPMs have the capacity to do so. MOBs with dual auxiliary contacts are tobe provided by the customer.33..33 IInnssppeeccttiinngg aanndd UUnnppaacckkiinngg tthhee UUPPSS CCaabbiinneettssThe UPS cabinet is divided into two sections palleted separately for shipping. The sections are shipped boltedto wooden pallets (see Figure 15 and Figure 16) and protected with outer protective packaging material.The UPS sections are heavy (see Table 2). If unpacking and unloading instructions are not closely followed, thecabinets may tip and cause serious injury.AVERTISSEMENT!Les sections de l’onduleur sont lourdes (voir le Table 2). Suivre attentivement les instructions de déchargementet de déballage pour eviter de renverser les armoires, ce qui pourrait causer de graves blessures.To prevent damage to the wiring channel and wiring in the UPM section base when lifting or moving thecabinet:• Lift and move the UPM section using only the front or rear forklift slots.• Verify that the forklift forks are in a horizontal position before inserting them into the forklift slots. DO NOTangle fork tips upward.• Insert the forks all the way through the base. DO NOT insert forks partially into the base to move thecabinet.• Forks may be partially inserted into the front or rear forklift slots for minor positioning if the forks are keptin a horizontal position with no upward angling.• DO NOT use the forklift slots on the end of the cabinet to move the cabinet.• End forklift slots may be used for minor positioning if the forks are kept in a horizontal position with noupward angling.If these instructions are not followed, damage to the wiring channel and wiring will occur.UPS Installation Plan and Unpacking