2 Engineering2.4 InteroperabilityDX-NET-SWD 06/13 MN04012009Z-EN www.eaton.com 152.4 Interoperability2.4.1 GatewaysThe following and later firmware versions of the SmartWire-DT gatewaysensure interoperability with SmartWire-DT interface card DX-NET-SWD3:Table 3: Firmware versions of SmartWire-DT gateways2.4.2 Fieldbus description filesThe SmartWire-DT interface card DX-NET-SWD3 interoperability is guaran-teed with the following versions (and later versions) of the fieldbus descrip-tion files for the corresponding gateway:Table 4: Compatible field bus description files2.4.3 SWD-AssistThe SWD-Assist program provides valuable support in the engineering ofyour SmartWire-DT topology. SWD-Assist is software that runs under opera-ting systems Windows 2000 (SP 4), Windows XP, Windows Vista (32-bit) orWindows 7 and relieves you of the planning work required for an SWDtopology.The SmartWire-DT interface card DX-NET-SWD3 can be used in the softwareSmartWire-DT Assist from software version V 1.80.SmartWire-DT gateway Firmware VersionEU5C-SWD-CAN V 1.20EU5C-SWD-DP V 1.20→ The firmware of the SmartWire-DT gateway can be updatedusing the SWD-Assist program. This program, as well as therequired firmware versions, can be downloaded for free on theInternet at:http://downloadcenter.moeller.netSmartWire-DT gateway Description fileEU5C-SWD-CAN from EU5C-SWD-CAN_V130.edsEU5C-SWD-DP (Intel-based CPU) from Moed14.gsd (V. 1.08)EU5C-SWD-DP (Motorola-based CPU) from MoeId14.gsd (V. 1.08)SWD master (i. e. XV100) from V.1.02→ These and other fieldbus description files can be found on theInternet at: http://downloadcenter.moeller.net