4 Commissioning4.4 Acyclic dataDX-NET-SWD 06/13 MN04012009Z-EN www.eaton.com 514.4.5 SmartWire-DT write responseThe DC1 variable frequency drive will respond to a received SmartWire-DTwrite request with a SmartWire-DT write response.The following SmartWire-DT write responses are possible:• SmartWire-DT write response(+) – Without data or errors if the DC1 vari-able frequency drive has understood the SmartWire-DT write request.• SmartWire-DT write request(-) – Error. If an error has occurred, the writeresponse will contain an error. These errors are bus-specific and areexplained in the corresponding sections. SmartWire-DT read requestAfter receiving a positive SmartWire-DT write response, it is possible to startpolling SmartWire-DT read requests. If a write job has been transmitted pre-viously, information regarding the write status will be requested; in the caseof a read job, the data will be requested. SmartWire-DT read responseThe SmartWire-DT read request will be acknowledged until there is aSmartWire-DT read response.The following SmartWire-DT read responses are possible• SmartWire-DT read response(-) – Error• If there is an error related to addressing (index)• the DC1 variable frequency drive is not available,• if the response from the DC1 variable frequency drive is still pending• SmartWire-DT read response(+) – Parameter channel error• If the error concerns the PROFIdrive parameter channel• SmartWire-DT read response(+) – Without data• if the DC1 variable frequency drive has determined the reply duringa write order• SWD read response(+) – with data• if the DC1 variable frequency drive has determined the reply duringa rad orderThe following sections go into the various possible SmartWire-DT readresponses in greater detail.SmartWire-DT read response(-) – ErrorIf an error has occurred, the read response will contain an error.These errors are bus-specific and are explained in the corresponding sec-tions.→ For possible errors → Section 4.4.6, “Acyclic data via PROFI-BUS-DP: DC1 variable frequency drive“.