0 About this Manual0.5 AbbreviationsDX-NET-SWD 06/13 MN04012009Z-EN www.eaton.com 50.5 AbbreviationsThe following abbreviations are used in this manual.0.6 UnitsEvery physical dimension included in this manual uses international metricsystem units, otherwise known as SI (Système International d’Unités) units.For the purpose of the equipment’s UL certification, some of these dimen-sions are accompanied by their equivalents in imperial units.Table 1: Unit conversion examplesdec Decimal (base-10 numeral system)DS Default settingsEMC Electromagnetic compatibilityFS Frame SizeFWD Forward run (clockwise rotating field)GND Ground (0-V-potential)hex Hexadecimal (base-16 numeral system)ID Identifier (unique ID)LED Light Emitting Diode (LED)LSB Least significant bitMSB Most significant bitPE Protective earth PNU Parameter numberREV Reverse run (anticlockwise rotation field active)ro Read Only (read access only)rw Read/Write (read/write access)SWD SmartWire-DTUL Underwriters LaboratoriesDesignation US-American value SI value Conversion value US-AmericandesignationLength 1 in (’’) 25.4 mm 0.0394 inchPower 1 HP = 1.014 PS 0.7457 kW 1.341 horsepowerTorque 1 lbf in 0.113 Nm 8.851 pound-force inchestemperature 1 °F (T F ) -17.222 °C (T C) T F = T C × 9/5 + 32 FahrenheitSpeed 1 rpm 1 min -1 1 Revolutions per minuteWeight 1 lb 0.4536 kg 2.205 poundFlow rate 1 cfm 1.698 m 3/min 0.5889 cubic feed per minute