4 Commissioning4.4 Acyclic dataDX-NET-SWD 06/13 MN04012009Z-EN www.eaton.com 37216 0 rw U16 Rated motor frequency P-09 25 - 500 Details in Hz217 0 rw U16 Nominal speed of the motor P-10 0 - 30000 Details in rpm250 0 ro UInt8 Size FS P00-20250 1 ro UInt8 Number of output phases P00-20250 2 ro UInt8 kW/HP types P00-20 1 - 2 1: kW2: HP251 0 ro UInt16 Supply voltage level P00-20 230 - 460252 0 ro UInt32 Power P00-20 370 - 15000 18500 = 18.50260 1 rw U16 Analog input format P-16 0 - 6 0: 0 - 10 V1: b 0 - 10 V2: 0 - 20 mA3: t4 - 20 mA4: r4 - 20 mA5: t20 - 4 mA6: r20 - 4 mA260 2 rw U16 Second analog input format P-47 0 - 5 0: 0 - 10 V1: 0 - 20 mA2: t4 - 20 mA3: r4 - 20 mA4: t20 - 4 mA5: r20 - 4 mA261 1 rw U16 Analog input scaling P-35 0 - 5000 100 = 10 %262 1 rw U16 Analog input compensation P-39 -5000 - 5000 300 = 30.0 %310 0 rw UInt16 Profile used 0 - 11 0: Communication lost10: PROFIdrive profile11: 8 bit profile320 1 rw U16 Access codes for the extendedmenuP-14 0 - 9999320 0 rw U16 Extended parameter menu accesscodeP-37 0 - 9999 Definition of the access codes331 0 rw UInt16 Standby timer P-48 0 - 250 150 = 15.0 s362 0 rw UInt16 TimedOut P-36 0 - 8 0: no action1 : Fault after 30 ms2 : Fault after 100 ms3 : Fault after 1000 ms4: Fault after 3000 ms5 : Quick stop after 30 ms6 : Quick stop after 100 ms7 : Quick stop after 1000 ms8 : Quick stop after 3000 msPNU indexPNU subindex AccessrightDatatypeMeaning DisplaynumberValue Range Description