4 Commissioning4.5 SmartWire-DT diagnosticsDX-NET-SWD 06/13 MN04012009Z-EN www.eaton.com 574.5 SmartWire-DT diagnosticsThe DC1 variable frequency drive supplies diagnosis messages for itself andfor the SmartWire-DT interface card DX-NET-SWD3.Basically, a distinction must be drawn between:• Basic diagnostics (basic SmartWire-DT diagnostics)• Advanced diagnostics (advanced SmartWire-DT diagnostics)• PROFIdrive parameter channel diagnosticsPROFIdrive parameter channel diagnostics are shown with error messagesor warnings in the cyclic profile with PROFIdrive (profile 2).4.5.1 Basic SWD DiagnosticsA pending diagnostic message from the DC1 variable frequency drive’s willbe signaled as a collective diagnostic in the cyclic profile with input byte 0,bit 4 (DIAG). A device response, if any, will be described in the advanceddiagnostics.In addition, in all profiles, the following bits• ERR (the variable frequency drive stops) or• WARN (no reaction of the variable frequency drive)in the corresponding input bytes are used to show whether there are anydiagnostic messages (i.e. errors or warnings).After the cause of the fault is fixed, you can acknowledge a fault (ERR) asfollows:• Profile: FaultAck = 1,• 1-0-A switch in position 0.Warnings (WARN) cannot be acknowledged, since they are simply messageswithout an ensuing response (the DC1 variable frequency drives).The diagnostic data that corresponds to the PROFIdrive profile can be sent atany time regardless of the profile chosen. It is provided via the acyclic ser-vices of the relevant bus system.→ For available diagnosis messages FaultBuffer:PNU 947 sub-index 0 to 7