4 Commissioning4.4 Acyclic dataDX-NET-SWD 06/13 MN04012009Z-EN www.eaton.com 41821 0 ro U32 The variable frequency drive'soperating timeP00-10 0h0m0s -65535h59m59sThis value cannot be reset!821 5 ro U32 The variable frequency drive oper-ating time since the last faultP00-12 0h0m0s -65535h59m59s821 3 ro U32 Variable frequency drive runtimesince the last blockP00-13 0h0m0s -65535h59m59s822 0 ro S16 Unit Temperature P00-09 -10 °C - 150 °C 50 ≙ 50 °C840 29952 rw UInt16 Reaction to the communicationfaultP-53 0 - 4 0: no fault action,Device keeps running1: Sets warning bit,Device keeps running2: Stop with ramp,Sets error bit3: Stop with 2nd ramp,Sets error bit4: Switches energy off,Sets error bit850 0 ro U16 Motor current log P00-17 0 newest value850 1 ro U16850 2 ro U16 100 ≙ 10.0 A850 3 ro U16850 4 ro U16850 5 ro U16850 6 ro U16850 7 ro U16 oldest value852 0 ro U16 DC bus voltage log P00-15 0 - 1200 newest value852 1 ro U16852 2 ro U16852 3 ro U16852 4 ro U16852 5 ro U16852 6 ro U16852 7 ro U16 oldest value855 0 ro Int16 Thermistor temperature protocol P00-16 -124 °C - 125 °C newest value855 1 ro Int16855 2 ro Int16855 3 ro Int16855 4 ro Int16855 5 ro Int16855 6 ro Int16855 7 ro Int16 oldest valuePNU indexPNU subindex AccessrightDatatypeMeaning DisplaynumberValue Range Description