4 Commissioning4.1 DX-NET-SWD3 with DC1 variable frequency driveDX-NET-SWD 06/13 MN04012009Z-EN www.eaton.com 234 Commissioning4.1 DX-NET-SWD3 with DC1 variable frequency driveFor SmartWire-DT operation, the parameter P-12 must be set on variablefrequency drive DC1; versions 9 - 13 are available for this purpose.Other parameters do not have to be set.→ Complete all measures for commissioning the DC1 variable fre-quency drive as described in the manual MN04020003Z-EN.→ Check the settings and installations for the connection to theSmartWire-DT system which are described in this manual.NOTICEMake sure that there is no danger in starting the motor.Disconnect the driven machine if there is a danger in an incorrectoperating state.→ The following parameter settings listed below are required foroperation with SmartWire-DT.Valule P-12 Description0 Control signal terminals1 HMI device (Keypad FWD)2 HMI device (Keypad FWD/REV)3 Modbus with internal ramp time4 Modbus with ramp time via bus5 PI controller with external actual value6 PI controller with external actual value and totalized value of AI17 CANopen with internal ramp time8 CANopen with ramp time via bus9 SmartWire-DT operation with setpoint value via SmartWire-DT10 SmartWire-DT operation with local setpoint value11 Local operation with setpoint value via SmartWire-DT12 Actuation via SmartWire-DT - depending on the settings with the loss incommunication, automatic change to the local actuation13 Operation and setpoint value via SmartWire-DT with enable via terminal→ Further information about parameter P-12→ Section, “PNU928/P-12“.