4 Commissioning4.3 Cyclic dataDX-NET-SWD 06/13 MN04012009Z-EN www.eaton.com 334.3.5 Profile 2 (2 x 16 bit): Outputs (control)Output bytes 0 and 4 are mapped as follows on SmartWire-DT.Table 9: Profile 11: Output bytes 0 and 4Word BIT designation Meaning0 0 OnOff On/Off0: Normal stop (with configured ramp time)1: Operation1 Off2 Run-down (Coast Stop: Off 2)0: Coast stop (switch off output voltage)1: no free run-down2 Off3 Quick Stop: Off30: Quick stop (shortest ramp)1: no quick stop3 EN_Op Operation released0: Stop1: Operation4 EN_Ramp Release ramp (Enable Ramp Generator)0: Reset ramp (setpoint value = 0)1: Release ramp5 Unfreeze Unfreeze ramp0: Freeze ramp (the ramp generator's current output value will befrozen)1: Do not freeze ramp6 EN_Set Activate setpoint value:EN_Set enables the setpoint value and starts or stops the motorwith the ramp function.0: Do not activate setpoint value1: activate setpoint value7 FaultAck Fault Acknowledge0: Do not acknowledge current fault1: Acknowledge current fault (rising edge: 0 → 1)8 Jog 1 Jog with setpoint value 19 Jog 2 Jog with setpoint value 210 Ctl_PLC PLC assumes control (Control by PLC)0: no control via PLC1: Control via PLC11 I1 programmable input 112 I2 programmable input 213 I3 programmable input 314 I4 programmable input 415 ExtFault External FaultIf the bit is set, the DC1 variable frequency drive will stop with aselected PNU 840 function. The behavior is the same as if therewere a change from 1 → 0 in the Enable signal, with the exceptionthat the variable frequency drive soft starter will switch to the Errorstatus (input bytes n + 4: bit 3). The external fault can be reset justlike any other fault (with Fault acknowledge (bit 7) or by switchingthe supply voltage off and on).0: no external fault1: external fault1 0 - 15 Setpoint setpoint input in percent from -100 % to + 100 %;100 % ≙ 4000hex