4 Commissioning4.4 Acyclic data38 DX-NET-SWD 06/13 MN04012009Z-EN www.eaton.com363 0 rw UInt16 Modbus RTU Baud rate P-36 0 - 6 2 : 9.6 kBit/s3: 19.2 kBits/s4: 38.4 kBits/s5: 57.6 kBits/s6: 115.2 kBits/s363 1 rw Uint16 CANopen baud rate P-50 0 - 3 0: 125 kBit/s1: 250 kBit/s2: 500 kBit/s3: 1000 kBit/s381 0 rw U16 Display scaling factor P-40 0 - 6000 1000 ≙ 0.10390 0 rw U16 Output switching frequency P-17 0 - 5 0: 4 kHz1: 8 kHz2: 12 kHz3: 16 kHz4: 24 kHz5: 32 kHz390 1 ro U16 Switching frequency P00-14 0 - 5 0: 4 kHz1: 8 kHz2: 12 kHz3: 16 kHz4: 24 kHz5: 32 kHz423 0 rw U16 Digital input function selection P-15 0 - 12 see table “Input functions“451 0 rw U16 Selection of the relay output func-tionP-18 0 - 7 0:RUN, enable (FWD, REV)1: READY, ready for operation2: output frequency = frequencyreference value3 : Error message (variablefrequency drive not ready)4 : Output frequency < limitvalue (P-19)5: Output current > limit value(P-19)6: Output frequency < limitvalue (P-19)7: Output current < limit value(P-19)452 0 rw U16 Limit value for the relay outputcontrolP-19 0 - 1000 450 = 45.0 %PNU indexPNU subindex AccessrightDatatypeMeaning DisplaynumberValue Range Description