All brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of the ownerconcerned.Emergency On Call ServicePlease call your local representative: of the After Sales Service:+49 (0) 180 5 223822 (de, en)AfterSalesEGBonn@eaton.comOriginal Operating InstructionsThe German-language edition of this document is the original operating manual.Translation of the original operating manualAll editions of this document other than those in German language are translations ofthe original German manual.1 st published 2013, edition date 06/13© 2013 by Eaton Industries GmbH, 53105 BonnProduction: René WiegandTranslation: globaldocs GmbHAll rights reserved, including those of the translation.No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form (printed, photocopy, microfilmor any other process) or processed, duplicated or distributed by means of electronicsystems without written permission of Eaton Industries GmbH, Bonn.Subject to alteration without notice.