4 Commissioning4.4 Acyclic dataDX-NET-SWD 06/13 MN04012009Z-EN www.eaton.com 530A reserved – –C0 No usage rights Attempting to have write access withoutwrite permissions0 ✓0C reserved – –0D reserved – –0E reserved – –0F No text array available Attempting to access a non-available textarray010 reserved – –11 Request cannot be carried out dueto operating statusAccess is temporarily not possible 0 ✓12 reserved – –13 reserved – –14 Value not permitted Attempting to have write access with avalue that is within the value range, butthat is not permitted due to other reasons(parameter with defined values)Subindex ✓15 Request too long for acycliccommunication channelThe length of the current request exceedsthe maximum permitted length of theacyclic communication channel.016 Parameter address notpermissibleNot permissible or non-supported valuefor attribute, No. of elements, parameternumber, subindex, or a combinationthereof0 ✓17 Format not permissible Write request: Invalid format or format notpermissible for this parameter018 No. of values are not consistent Write request: The number of values in theparameter data does not match thenumber of values for the parameteraddress.019 DO does not exist Attempting to access a non-existing driveobject0 ✓20 Parameter text element cannot bechangedAttempting to have write access to aparameter text element without writepermissionsSubindex21 Not permissible request ID unsupported service ✓22 Response too long for parametermanagerThe length of the current responseexceeds the parameter manager’sparameter processing capacity23 Multiple parameter access notpermissibleIs not supported. ✓…-64 reserved –65-FF manufacturer specific –Fault-number[hex]Designation Description Supplemen-tary infor-mationDC1