4 Commissioning4.3 Cyclic data28 DX-NET-SWD 06/13 MN04012009Z-EN www.eaton.com4.3 Cyclic data4.3.1 IntroductionThe amount of cyclic input / output data (process data) of the DC1 variablefrequency drive can be adjusted as necessary for the specific application withthe help of the various profiles. The profiles are selected in the hardware/PLCconfiguration program (in the SmartWire-DT Assist program, for example).Two cyclic profiles can be selected:• Profile 1:Control and status data will be processed as per the I/O link profile.• Profile 2:This group supplements the variable frequency drive profile with thePROFIdrive profile as the PNO has defined for the cyclic data exchangewith a drive. Control and status data will be processed according to thePROFIdrive profile.Profile 2 is set in the default settings.Table 5: ProfilesProfile Input bytes (status) Output bytes (control) BytesNo. Name 0 1 2 3 4 Σ 0 1 2 3 Σ Σ1 DX-NET-SWD 8 bit SWD DC1 1 + 1 SWD DC1 1 + 1 42 DX-NET-SWD PD2x 16 bit SWD DC1 DC1 DC1 DC1 1 + 4 SWD DC1 DC1 DC1 4 9→ For information on the subject of the “cyclic data transfer“,consult manual MN05013002Z-EN, “SmartWire-DT Gateways“.