20 FLEETSYNCFUNC (K)/Ver. 1.01 Confidential Contents Index 8920.3.3 Reserved Status for StatusMessagesStatus Message has reserved statuses. Below is a list ofreserved status.Table 20-8 Reserved Status List EmergencyAlert Tone configured for Emergency StatusResponse sounds when receiving a reserved Status. Remote StunRemote Stun can be used to disable almost all thetransceiver’s functions. Only the following operationsare available when Stun is enabled. The transceiverrecovers from the Stun status when receiving the StunDeactivation status message or the DTMF StunDeactivation command.Table 20-9 Operation when Stun Enabled Statuses 90 to 92These statuses are used to activate or reset Stun.The statuses are enabled regardless of the Stunstatus in the receiving party’s transceiver. Statuses 93 to 94These statuses are used to respond with the Stunstatus of the transceiver when receiving the RSTM(Request Status).Status Function Operation atReceiving SideEntry of Status withEntry MethodManualDialPCControl10 to 79Statusesintended forusersNormal Statusoperation. YesYes80 Default Status -Yes/ No*181 to 87 Undefined -88 EmergencyReset CommandExits fromEmergencyMode.89Horn AlertActivationCommand-90Remote StunTransmitRestrictionCommandThe transceiversends the ACK.Transmission isrestricted. “93”is configured forCurrent Status.*291Remote StunTransmit andReceiveRestrictionCommandThe transceiversends the ACK.Transmissionand receptionare restricted.“94” isconfigured forCurrent Status.*292 Remote StunReset CommandThe transceiversends the ACK.Disables Stun.“80” isconfigured forCurrent Status.93Remote StunTransmitRestrictionResponse-94Remote StunTransmit andReceiveRestrictionResponse-95 to 99Reserved Statusfor EmergencyMode98: Man-downStatus99: EmergencyStatus otherthan Man-downThe transceiversends the ACK.Alert/ Horn/None *3*1 Entry of Statuses 80 to 99 can be enabled or disabled by usingKPG-101D when directly entering a status number with ManualDialing. (Refer to 20.3.9 Status 80 - 99 (Special) on page 91.)*2 Stun Status does not change even if a user changes the Status inStatus Mode.*3 Entry of Statuses 95 to 99 in Emergency Mode can be configuredto be enabled or disabled by using KPG-101D. (Refer to 20.3.9Status 80 - 99 (Special) on page 91.)Status Message TransmitRestrictionTransmit andReceive RestrictionNormal StatusMessageoperationTransmit Restriction Transmit andReceive RestrictionPC ControlThe transceiver doesnot accept atransmission request.The transceiver doesnot send receiveddata.The transceiver doesnot accept atransmission request.The transceiver doesnot send receiveddata.