4 SOUNDSFUNC (K)/Ver. 1.01 Confidential Contents Index 234.6 PTT Proceed ToneThe transceiver emits this tone if communication ispossible after the PTT switch is pressed. The transceivercan be configured to emit the PTT Proceed Tone.In Trunking System, a user must start talking after therepeater is allocated when the PTT switch is pressed.However, this duration is not always same, so that it isdifficult for the user to know when to start talking afterpressing the PTT switch. With this tone enabled, the usercan smoothly start talking after the Proceed Tone sounds.The PTT Proceed Tone can be also used while thetransceiver is executing a Conventional Group scan.The transceiver can be configured to emit the ProceedTone by using KPG-101D.Note: The audio is not emitted until the transceiver emits the ProceedTone sound even if a user starts talking after pressing the PTTswitch. If the PTT ID is configured for the channel while sending theDTMF, 2-tone or Fleetsync code, the PTT Proceed Toneconfiguration is reset. In this case, the configuration for PTT IDSidetone (FleetSync), Sidetone (DTMF) or Sidetone (2-tone) isenabled. Configuration using KPG-101D• Configuring the PTT Proceed Tone (ConventionalGroup) (Refer to FPRG 6.7.3 Conventional Tab -PTT Proceed Tone.)• Configuring the PTT Proceed Tone (TrunkingSystem) (Refer to FPRG 6.7.4 Trunking Tab - PTTProceed Tone.)4.7 Proceed Tone Delay TimeThis function can be used to control the caller’s speakerto emit the PTT Proceed Tone after the configuredProceed Tone Delay Time elapses.This function prevents the transceiver on the receivingside from missing the first part of calls.The Proceed Tone Delay Time can be configured byusing KPG-101D. The Proceed Tone Delay Time for thecaller can be configured in conjunction with the Decodetime of the receiving party.Note: The Proceed Tone Delay Time cannot be configured if thePTT Proceed Tone is disabled. Configuration using KPG-101D• Configuring the Proceed Tone Delay Time(Conventional Group) (Refer to FPRG 6.7.3Conventional Tab - Proceed Tone Delay Time.)• Configuring the Proceed Tone Delay Time(Trunking System) (Refer to FPRG 6.7.4 TrunkingTab - Proceed Tone Delay Time.)